Getting started with Twitter for Windows 8 The fresh Twitter app for Windows 8 has some accustomed appearance as able-bodied as a few fresh ones that are specific to Windows 8. We'll appearance you how to get started with the fresh app.

Twitter for Windows 8 in Windows Store
The new Twitter for Windows 8 app can be downloaded from the Windows Store.

Twitter appear its first-ever Windows applicant bygone for Windows 8. The applicant supports the accepted arrangement of Twitter features, but additionally includes a few that are different to Windows 8. Here's how to get started with Twitter for Windows 8:
Download and install the Windows 8 Twitter app from the Windows Store. The aboriginal time you barrage the app, you'll charge to log in with your Twitter username and countersign to accredit the app. The additional time you barrage the app, you may be prompted to acquiesce Twitter to run the in background. If you appetite appearance quick cachet notifications on the lock screen, you should acquiesce it to run in the background. You can consistently go aback to PC settings and change it after if you change your mind.
Using Twitter for Windows 8
After authorization, you'll see the accustomed timeline as able-bodied as the aeronautics tabs on the larboard ancillary of the app: Home, Connect, Discover, and Me. In the high right-hand corner, you'll additionally apprehension the Compose and Chase icons. If you're already accustomed with Twitter, application the app to compose, reply, retweet, and admired should be appealing self-explanatory. 

Twitter for Windows 8 main screen

Photo grid: A different affection of the Twitter app in Windows 8 is the photo filigree in profiles. When examination a Twitter user's profile, you can bash photos or annal angular and see them all in a grid. When you baddest a photo, it will affectation in full-screen.

Twitter for Windows 8 photo grid

Search and Allotment charms: Addition audible affection of the Windows 8 Twitter app is the Chase and Allotment charms. From any app in Windows 8, you can chase Twitter for assortment tags or accounts application the Chase charm. And with the Allotment charm, you can bound allotment agreeable from any app to Twitter. To admission the Charms, aloof bash in from the appropriate bend of the awning or move the abrasion to the lower right-hand corner. You can additionally use the keyboard shortcut, Win+Q for Chase and Win+H for Share.

Twitter for Windows 8 share charm

Snap view: One of the acknowledgment appearance of Twitter for Windows 8 is the adeptness to breeze the app to the ancillary of the screen. This lets you appearance your timeline while application addition app. To breeze two apps ancillary by side, accompany in the additional app from the larboard bend with your feel or the high left-hand bend with your mouse. You can additionally use the keyboard shortcut, Win+. to toggle snapping the accepted app to the left, right, or aback to full-screen.  

Twitter for Windows 8 snap view

Settings: If you appetite to change notifications, log out of the Twitter app, bright chase history, or adapt affectation settings, bash in from the appropriate bend again go to Settings > Options, or use the keyboard shortcut, Win+I and baddest Options. From Settings, you can additionally accept Permissions to change aloofness settings, toggle notifications, and to acquiesce or abjure the app to run in the background.
That's it. The Twitter app for Windows 8 is abundant for Windows 8 book and amalgam users, but desktop users ability be able to account from it as well. When acclimated with StarDock's ModernMix, it'll run in its own window, authoritative it action like a desktop client.